Arthur's Column

Last Week in London

You may wonder why I have bored you ONCE AGAIN with the latest picture of young Anton. This is because I needed to show you who was left behind when Wifey and I went out last night!


Last night we went out for the first time leaving Anton in the hands of my brother and his girlfriend. Wonderful! The place that we went to is a nightclub by the name of Annabel's. Annabel's is a horrendously expensive, exclusive and rather good fun type of place. A member's only club, for somewhere between GBP300 and GBP500 per annum you can come and go as often as you please (no entrance fee). Then you pay for your drinks and food (on a tab of course). The nett result is a place where the wealthy hang out. It is, however, a lot of fun. From the outside (Berkeley Square, Mayfair) there is no indicator that it exists at all. Ask the doorman at the exclusive club next door and he will point you in the direction of a tented stairwell leading into a basement...

Arriving early at around 8.00pm we descended through the tent tunnel. Challenged at the entrance by a number of well dressed gentlemen we are shown to a quiet and distinguished alcove off the main bar area to have some refreshment while we wait for our host. The place is quiet (it only opens at 8) and we have the opportunity to look around. Distinguished, established, oppulent - are words that spring to mind. A 6' buda keeps an eye on our nook, and all around the walls are covered in interesting pictures, tapestries and other unique pieces.

Dining was excellent - superb wine, exquisite cuisine and 80's music loud enough that you know it's there, but not infringing on the conversation. As the evening progresses the music gets louder, and the crowds start to arrive. This is a truly chic crowd. One doesn't want to name drop but ...

1.30 and its time for home, nappy changing and other such mundane tasks.

Had a chance to glance in at The Running Footman - a Chef and Brewer pub near berkely Square. Not really worth much more than a mention. Just another name on the been-there-done-that virtual pub tour list!

Friday evening dissolved into an alchohol stupor at a local hangout called City Golf Club. The closest it gets to Golf is a bunch of clubs and paraphenalia hanging from the walls. They recently acquired the old Daniel's Wine Bar and made it into a new, connected pub called (predictably) The 19th Hole. Lovely Tess of Daniel's fame seems to have remained as barmaid, and as usual she looked after us with Absolut Citron (neat and frozen of course) and renditions of "Ere Lang Goor" (not sure about the spelling) - the famous Swedish drinking song. The Golf Club is located off the little lane behind St Bride's Church (lane runs from Fleet street to New bridge road).

Time for quick mention of a great restaurant that I had the good fortune to go to last week. Mange 2 is in Cowcross street near the Smithfield markets. The food is fantastic - melt in your mouth steaks and typical French cuisine. Decor is mod and stylish - very well thought out and very comfortable. if you decide to go you should book, and be sure to ask directory enquiries for the Cowcross Street Mange 2 - there is also one in Docklands somewhere.

Thats all for this week. Cheers!

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Last Week

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28 May 1995, 21 May 1995, 14 May 1995, 7 May 1995
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26 March 1995, 18 March 1995

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